Chronology V
From the Crucifixion in 30 AD
to the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD
(All years are reckoned AD)
1) Christ crucified Passover Day Nisan 14, April 51
2) Christ resurrected toward the end of the weekly Sabbath Nisan 17
3) Christ appears to disciples for forty days from Nisan 18 to His ascension Iyar 27, May 181
4) Holy Spirit poured out Pentecost Sunday, May 281
5) Gospel preached in Jerusalem, (Acts 3-5)
Gospel preached in Jerusalem Apostles compile Jesus’ teachings (Acts 5 and 6)
1) Martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 6, 7)
2) Persecution against Church (Acts 8:1-4)
3) Saul’ s activities as leader of persecution—ravages the Church
4) Because of persecutions brethren scatter and preach the Word everywhere (Acts 8:4)
5) Philip to Samaria; Simon Magus (Acts 8:5-13) Peter and John sent to Samaria (Acts 8:14-25)
6) Philip and Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
1) Saul breathes out threats and slaughter against disciples, goes to Damascus with letters from high priest (Acts 9:1-2)
2) Saul’s conversion spring 33 AD (Acts 9:3-18)
3) Saul preaches Christ in Damascus (Acts 9:19-23).
4) Plot to kill Saul discovered; Saul escapes by night, departs to Arabia (Acts 9:24-25), taught by Christ for three years (Gal. 1:15-18)
Spring 34 AD end of Saul’s 1st year in Arabia
1) Spring 35 AD end of Saul’s 2ndyear in Arabia
2) Gospel of Matthew completed
1) Spring 36 AD end of Saul’s 3rd> year in Arabia
2) Saul returns to Damascus (Gal. 1:17)
3) Saul’s first visit to Jerusalem for fifteen days (Acts 9:26-30, Gal. 1:18-20)
4) Barnabas brings Saul to apostles Peter and James (Acts 9:27). Saul speaks boldly to Greek-speaking Jews in Jerusalem, who seek to kill him (9:28-29)
5) Brethren bring Saul to Caesarea and send him to Tarsus, Saul’s home in Asia Minor (Acts 9:30)
6) Saul remains in Tarsus for four years from summer 36 AD to summer 40 AD
7) Churches in Judea, Galilee and Samaria have peace (Acts 9:31)
1) Peter evangelizes in Lydda and Joppa (Acts 9:32-41)
2) Peter stays with Simon the tanner many days (Acts 9:42-43)
1) Cornelius has vision; angel instructs him to send for Peter in Joppa (Acts 10:1-6)
2) Peter comes to Cornelius’ house and many Gentiles are converted (Acts 10:24-48)
3) Peter reports conversion of Gentiles to elders in Jerusalem (Acts 11:1-18)
4) Peter remains in Jerusalem from 38 to 44 AD
5) Gospel of Mark written between 38 and 44 AD
1) Brethren scattered because of Saul’s persecution; preach the Word to Jews as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch (Acts 11:19)
2) Certain men from Cyprus and Cyrenia preach the Word to Greeks in Antioch (Acts 11:20)
3) Many believe and a great number of Gentiles are converted (Acts 11:21)
4) Report of this comes to Jerusalem; apostles send Barnabas to Antioch to minister to them (Acts 11:22-24).
5) Barnabas goes to Tarsus and finds Saul and brings him to Antioch to help teach Gentiles (Acts 11:25)
Epistle of James written5
1) Claudius Caesar made Emperor of Rome January 25, 41 AD 22
2) In Antioch, Barnabas and Saul teach for a whole year—summer to summer (Acts 11:26)
3) Herod Agrippa I made king of Judea by Claudius3 in spring 41 AD, reigning three years until spring 44 AD when he dies 3 (Acts 12:23)
1) Most of the apostles leave Jerusalem 42 AD to preach the Gospel to the lost sheep of the ten tribes of the house of Israel scattered in all the world, as Jesus had commanded (Matt. 10:5-23)
2) In spring 42 AD the prophet Agabus comes from Jerusalem and prophesies of coming three-year famine (43-45 AD) that occurs during years 3-5 of Claudius’ reign (Acts 11:27-28)
3) Disciples plant and prepare food and relief to send to saints in Jerusalem (Acts 11:29).
1) In spring 44 AD food and relief sent to Jerusalem by hands of Barnabas and Saul (Acts 11:30)
2) Spring 44 AD Herod Agrippa I persecutes 49-52 Church and beheads the apostle James, brother of John about Passover time (Acts 12:1-2)
3) During Feast of Unleavened Bread Herod Agrippa I has the apostle Peter arrested and put in prison (Acts 12:3-5)
4) Angels release Peter from prison, he goes to Mary’s house the mother of Mark, then escapes to another place (Acts 12:6-17)
5) The next day, Herod executes prison guards because Peter had escaped (Acts 12:18)
6) Herod goes down to Tyre and Sidon, where God strikes him with worms and he dies—spring 44 AD 1, 3 (Acts 12:19-23)
7) Barnabas and Saul return to Antioch and take John Mark with them (Acts 12:25).
8) Late spring 44 AD, Barnabas and Saul ordained as apostles (Acts 13:1-3)
First evangelistic journey—2 1⁄2 years from late spring 44 AD to fall 46 AD (Acts 13:4-52; 14:1-25)
Paul and Barnabas stay in Antioch for a long time—autumn 46 AD to late summer 49 AD—2 1⁄2 years (Acts 14:26-28)
1) Pharisaic Judaizers come down to Antioch (Acts 15:1, 5) in summer 49 AD, teaching man- datory circumcision for disciples to be saved
2) Paul, Barnabas and certain others sent to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem about this question—autumn 49 AD—Feast of Tabernacles time1 (Acts 15:2)
3) Paul’s third visit to Jerusalem with Barnabas. Titus, and one of the certain others, also goes with Paul (Gal. 2:1-2)
4) Public welcome for Paul and party by Jerusa- lem brethren, apostles and elders (Acts 15:4)
5) Titus not required to be circumcised(Gal.2:2-3)
6) Paul and Barnabas’ private meeting with apostles James, Cephas [Peter] and John about circumcision question (Gal. 2:4-10). They agree circumcision not required for Gentiles. Paul and Barnabas’ ministry to Gentiles
7) Discussion and apostles’ agreement and James’ judgment that Gentiles need not be circumcised (Acts 15:6-22)
8) Apostles’ letter to Gentiles written by James (Acts 15:23-29)
9) Paul’s party returns to Antioch with Judas and Silas (Acts 15:30-32)
10) Paul and Barnabas stay in Antioch certain days (Acts 15:35-36)
11) Paul and Barnabas separate (Acts 15:37-40)
Paul’s second evangelistic journey (Acts 15:40 through 18:23), three years, from late autumn 49 AD to late autumn 52 AD
Late autumn 49 AD to late summer 50 AD
1) Paul circumcises Timothy and takes him on journey through many cities, Phrygia, Galatia, and on to Troas (Acts 16:1)
2) They take a ship from Troas to Neapolis and on to Philippi in Macedonia (Acts 16:9-12)
3) On the day of the weeks—Pentecost 50 AD1 — they meet Lydia and baptize her and her household (Acts 16:13-15)
4) Paul casts out demon from woman; is arrested and put into prison; earthquake breaks their bonds; jailer and household baptized; released and sees brethren and Lydia, then departs (Acts 16:16-40)
5) Paul comes to Thessalonica, preaches in synagogue three Sabbaths. Many are converted (Acts 17:1-4)
6) Paul and Silas arrested and let go (Acts 17:5-9)
7) Paul and Silas to Berea (Acts 17:10-13) Paul goes to Athens; preaches on Mars’ hill (Acts 17:14-34)
Late summer 50 AD to spring 52 AD Paul at Corinth
1) Paul preaches in synagogue every Sabbath Timothy and Silas join him (Acts 18:1-5)
2) Paul writes I Thessalonians from Corinth 50 AD6
3) Synagogue splits, new church formed. Paul stays for year and a half (Acts 18:6-11)
4) Paul writes II Thessalonians from Corinth 51 AD6 Paul brought before judgment seat of Gallio4 (Acts 18:12-18) winter 51 AD and released; remains many more days until spring 52 AD
5) Paul goes to Ephesus with Priscilla and Aquila, preaches in synagogue. Priscilla and Aquila remain (Acts 18:18-20). Paul sails from Ephesus, goes to Caesarea and to Jerusalem to visit the Church and keep Feast of Tabernacles.
6) Autumn 52 AD Paul returns to Antioch (Acts 18:21-22)
1) Paul stays in Antioch for some time—autumn 52 AD to summer 53 AD (Acts 18:23)
2) During Feast of Unleavened Bread, apostle Peter comes to Antioch. After certain ones come down from James, Peter and Barnabas separate themselves from Gentiles to eat with Jews. Paul publicly rebukes Peter and Jews for judaizing (Gal. 2:11-20)
3) Paul writes Epistle to the Galatians from Antioch in late spring 53 AD, because Judaizers are troubling all churches in Galatia, preaching another gospel—gospel of circumcision as requirement for salvation (Gal. 1:1-12)9
Paul’s third evangelistic journey four years
1) Paul begins third evangelistic journey by going to Galatia first to follow up his epistle and strengthen disciples, then through Phrygia (Acts 18:23)
2) Aquila in Ephesus meets Apollos and instructs him more perfectly in the Scriptures to preach Christ (Acts 18:24-28). Apollos leaves Ephesus for Corinth (Acts 19:1)
3) Paul comes to Ephesus, stays for a little more than three years from autumn 54 AD to early winter 57 AD (Acts 19:1-20)
4) Paul writes I Corinthians in late winter of 56 AD7 before Passover of 57 AD
5) Paul writes II Corinthians in late summer of 57 AD77
6) Riot in Ephesus because Paul’s preaching is destroying the idol business (Acts 19:21-41)
7) Early winter 57 AD Paul leaves Ephesus and goes to Macedonia, stays three months and visits Corinth (Acts 20:1-3)
8) Paul writes Epistle of Romans winter 57 AD7
1) Paul and company return through Macedonia to Troas where they keep the Feast of Unleav- ened Bread. Paul preaches late on Sabbath into the first day of the weeks (Acts 20:3, 5, 7-12)
2) Luke and rest of company sail from Philippi after days of Unleavened Bread and meet Paul in Troas (Acts 20:6)
3) Paul goes ahead on foot and Luke’s company sails to Assos, where they meet Paul, and he goes with them (Acts 20:13-14)
4) Paul and company go to Miletus. Paul sends for elders of Ephesian church and warns them of coming apostasy (Acts 20:15-38)
5) Paul goes to Caesarea and stays with Philip (Acts 21:1-8)
6) Prophet Agabus warns Paul not to go to Jerusalem, but Paul and company go anyway (Acts 21:10-16)
7) Paul arrives in Jerusalem late spring 58 AD perhaps near time of Feast of Pentecost 1 (Acts 21:17)
8) Paul visits James and elders, takes charges of men who have vow to complete at the temple. Jews seize Paul, but he is rescued by Roman soldiers (Acts 21:18-40)
9) Paul speaks to mob in Hebrew, mob again attacks him, and Roman soldiers rescue him (Acts 22:1-29)
10) Paul makes his defense before Sanhedrin (Acts 23:1-10)
11) Christ appears to him in a vision. Jews plot to kill Paul. Roman centurion and soldiers take Paul by night out of Jerusalem to Caesarea and keep him in Praetorium of Herod (Acts 23:11-35)
From early summer 58 AD to early autumn 60 AD Paul a prisoner in Caesarea
1) Paul a prisoner for two years, defends himself three times. Found to have done nothing worthy of death or bonds, Paul appeals to Caesar; Agrippa agrees to send Paul to Rome (Acts 24-26)
2) Luke has ready access to Paul during Paul’s imprisonment and travels to Jerusalem and Palestine
3) Luke writes his Gospel9 and begins writing Acts under Paul’s supervision.9 Luke has access to records and writings from Jerusalem church which he uses to compile his gospel
Paul in prison two years—late winter 61 AD to early spring 63 AD
1) Roman centurion delivers Paul to commander of camp. Paul allowed to stay by himself, guarded by soldiers (Acts 28:16)
2) Paul speaks to Jewish religious leaders of Rome (Acts 28:17-29)
3) Paul writes Hebrews in early spring 61 AD.
4) In Jerusalem, James is martyred by zealots at Passover time, 1, 11 62 AD
5) Paul remains in own hired house two years welcoming all and preaching the Kingdom of God (Acts 28:30-31)
6) Luke finishes book of Acts up to chapter 28:31, intending to write more to be added later, but unable to do so
7) Paul writes Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon10
End of Book of Acts: 63 AD
1) Paul is released from prison in Rome and goes to island of Crete. (Titus 1:5)
Five years
1) Paul leaves Titus in Crete (Titus 1:5) and goes to Nicopolis in Macedonia. (Titus 3:12)
2) From Nicopolis Paul writes I Timothy and an Epistle to Titus 63 AD
3) Peter writes his First Epistle 64-65 AD
4) Peter writes his Second Epistle in 65-66 AD
5) Paul goes to Spain and Britain 64-67 AD
6) Paul back in prison in Rome and writes II Timothy 67 AD
7) Nero dies June 9, 68 AD in Greece
8) Is Paul martyred before Nero dies, or is he released after Nero dies? If so, does he go back to Britain to be martyred there?
1) Jewish revolt against Romans intensifies
2) Romans conquer Jerusalem and destroy city and Temple AB 9-10, September 3-4, 70 AD
End Notes
1) Calculated Hebrew Calendar
2) Unger’s Bible Dictionary, 1963; p. 210
3) The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 1962; vol. 1, p. 60
4) The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 1962, vol. 2. P . 351
5) An Introduction to the New Testament, 1981; vol.3p.53
6) Redating the New Testament, John A. T. Robinson, 1976
7) Ibid., pp. 56-57, 352*
8) Ibid., pp. 79, 352 *
9) A Revised Chronology, Fred R. Coulter 2002
10) Harmony of the Life of St. Paul, Frank J Goodwin, 1988, pp. 149, 158
11) The Original Bible Restored, Ernest L Martin, 1991, p. 161
*Note: According to this chronology, in each case, the Epistles of I & II Corinthians, Romans and Galatians are placed a year earlier than Robinson’s, which Robinson allows for. “It must be stressed again that the absolute datings [of the epistles of Paul] could be a year or so out either way…” (Robinson, Redating the New Testament, 1976 ed., p. 84).

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